Private Practice Transitions

Recent posts by Private Practice Transitions

4 min read

Everything You Should Know About Business Credit Scores

By Private Practice Transitions on Jul 2, 2024 11:20:51 AM

We often hear about business credit scores, but how much do we really know about them? For small business owners and entrepreneurs, understanding this financial data can be the key to unlocking growth opportunities. Whether you’re seeking financing, negotiating better terms with suppliers, or simply building a strong financial reputation, your business credit score plays a crucial role. Private Practice Transitions is here to discuss everything you should know about business credit scores, from what they are to why they’re important. We’ll also share some helpful tips on how you can raise yours over the years.

4 min read

How To Quickly Close a Loan With the SBA

By Private Practice Transitions on Jun 10, 2024 8:11:41 AM

Navigating the process of obtaining a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan can seem like a difficult task, especially when your goal is to quickly close the deal. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or grow a small private practice business, understanding how to quickly close a loan with the SBA is essential. Here are a few helpful tips on how to deal with the SBA and how to come out on top.

2 min read

What’s the Best Time of Year To Sell a Private Practice?

By Private Practice Transitions on Jun 6, 2024 12:08:26 PM

Selling a private practice requires careful planning and timing, and understanding the best time of year to sell can make a substantial difference in the outcome. What is the best time of year to sell a private practice? Private Practice Transitions is here with helpful advice.

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2 min read

Metrics To Look at When Buying an Accounting Firm

By Private Practice Transitions on May 23, 2024 10:45:23 AM

There are many good reasons to consider purchasing an accounting firm. However, you want to consider several different factors when figuring out if a company is right for you. Obviously, market factors point to buying when a company is doing well, but there are many other metrics to look at when buying an accounting firm that you should pay attention to.

4 min read

How To Transfer the Lease When Selling a Business

By Private Practice Transitions on May 10, 2024 10:01:38 AM

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, the moment arrives when a company changes hands or grows into new horizons. Transferring a lease is central to this shift when the business has a physical premises. This often-overlooked aspect of the business sale can lead you smoothly into the next chapter or become a legal riptide where many falter.

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4 min read

What's The Impact of Inflation on Business Sale Price?

By Private Practice Transitions on May 9, 2024 5:55:37 AM

Just the word inflation can send a shiver down the spine of business owners, especially if they're considering selling or buying a private practice. But how does inflation impact the sale price of a business? We tackle that question and more in our guide below.

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2 min read

Exit Strategy Tips for Private Practice Owners

By Private Practice Transitions on Apr 23, 2024 11:39:53 AM

For private practice owners and entrepreneurs, the transition out of their business is a crucial chapter that requires careful planning and strategic thinking. To ensure a smooth and satisfactory exit, it's vital to lay the groundwork early on and address key aspects that will impact the transition. Below, we offer some useful exit strategy tips for private practice owners considering selling and retirement.

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2 min read

4 Questions To Ask a Potential Business Buyer

By Private Practice Transitions on Apr 8, 2024 9:22:35 AM

Selling your business is a significant decision that can shape the future of your professional life, and asking the right questions when negotiating with potential buyers is crucial. It’s your chance to ensure that your legacy lives on in capable hands and that your vision for the business continues in ways that align with your values and the company’s culture.

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4 min read

5 Reasons To Consider Working in Private Practice

By Private Practice Transitions on Mar 29, 2024 8:42:38 AM

Professionals across various fields are increasingly drawn to private practice’s promises of freedom and fulfillment. Private practices—wherein one operates independently, creating procedures, policies, and personal brand —have seeded fertile ground for a blossoming entrepreneur breed within various sectors.

Topics: Blog
1 min read

What To Look for When Buying a Physical Therapy Practice

By Private Practice Transitions on Mar 25, 2024 8:22:33 AM

Physical therapy is one of the most attractive sectors in healthcare today, with more people enlisting the help of physical therapists than ever before. If you’re interested in joining the growing market by buying a physical therapy practice, we’ll explain what you should look for.